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Controller Cooler Digital 115v

Controller Cooler Digital 115v


Controls a standard 115-Volt AC, 60Hz, 1-amp, 2-speed residential evaporative cooler with blower motor from 1/3 HP up to 1 HP. Manual slide switches allow for 5 different cooler settings: Off, Fan Only - High Speed (High Vent), Fan Only - Low Speed (Low Vent), Fan/Pump - High Speed (High Cool) and Fan/Pump - Low Speed (Low Cool). Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) constantly displays the room temperature. Power/Pump "ON" green LED indicator light, blinks during "4-Minute Pre-Start Mode": Includes: 4-minute pad pre-wet (pump "on") or 4-minute system delay (pump "off"). High impact ABS case. Case door covers operating control slide switches. Once a SET POINT TEMPERATURE (SPT) is defined, the Controller will operate the cooler until it reaches a temperature that is 3 degrees below the SPT. The default SPT is 77 degrees Fahrenheit (for example, in the event of power failure). Installs in standard single gang electrical junction box.

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